RF over Fiber
RF over Fiber
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The versatile, second-generation FORAX-LS is a high performance alternative to conventional coaxial cable, affording greater flexibility in antenna location plus electrical isolation from the user’s radio or repeater. The antenna can be located up to 10 km away while the radio/repeater remains near the user, enhancing the physical security of both the equipment and its user. FORAX-LS is optimized to operate with radios used for tactical communications by US and allied forces. FORAXLS transports all VHF and UHF communications waveforms including SRW, ANW2, SINCGARS, ANDVT, AM/FM voice, and Commercial & Military SATCOM. Protect your communication assets – Let FORAX put distance between you antennas and radios.
FORAX-LS consists of a Radio Interface Unit (RIU) connected by a user supplied optical fiber cable to an Amplifier Interface Unit (AIU). The RIU connects to the radio’s antenna port using a coaxial cable. At the antenna site, the AIU connect to the customer’s high-power amplifier (HPA) with a coaxial cable.